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Curated from the Global Improv Community
- Anti-Racism for Comedy Folx – a weekly panel show discussing anti-racism in comedy presented by Socially Distant Improv.
- Black Improv Almanac – a database of Black improvisers, theaters, troupes, and teachers maintained by the Black Improv Alliance.
- Create Access – resources for improv instructors and administrators aiming to make their classes and shows more accessible for disabled, chronically ill, or neurodivergent improvisers and audience members.
- Different Women Project – we recommend the following as a resource for BIPOC & Ally practitioners to find expert practical advice & services based in embodied diversity, healing and leadership from a BIPOC perspective.
Broader Organizational Resources
- Public Training by Right to Be – rotating calendar of public webinars on implicit bias training, bystander intervention training, and more rotating topics.
- The Black Pledge (Canada) – The Black Pledge offers a series of commitments to aid live arts organizations in dismantling anti-Black racism at the structural level to affirm and advance Black people working in live performance across Canada. Initially conceived by a collective of Black women artists led by Sedina Fiati, The Black Pledge has been expanded and revised in consultation with several Black live art professionals, artistic leaders and board members throughout Canada. The Black Pledge Collective consists of the following members: Alicia Richardson, Chiamaka Glory, Diane Roberts, Jajube Mandiela, Janelle Cooper, Joella Crichton, Rita Shelton-Deverell, Samantha Walkes, and Sedina Fiati.
- We See You W. A. T. – detailed demands on improving all theater spaces for BIPOC people.