Announcing Community Training with Hollaback!


The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are those of the author and don’t necessarily reflect those of Highwire Improv. We hope you enjoy reading!

February 23, 2021

As part of our continued investment in community work towards anti-racism and anti-oppression, Highwire Improv is excited to announce two training programs to be delivered by the amazing team at Hollaback!

Using Implicit Bias Training to Investigate Improv Exercises

Beginning with the Hollaback! Implicit Bias training program on May 3rd, Highwire will facilitate a collaborative effort among up to 50 improv instructors to breakdown and investigate common improv warmups and exercises. We will use the tools learned during the Hollaback! training program to identify both:

  • How these exercises can lead to bad outcomes without implicit bias awareness.
  • How these exercises can be used to train improvisers to work against their implicit biases.

This work will then be packaged up and made public to the global improv community.

Learn more and signup here!

Community Bystander Intervention Training

In anticipation of a time (hopefully soon!) when we will be doing improv in person again, its important for our community to be prepared to handle difficult situations that may arise. To that end, we're opening a session of the Hollaback! Bystander Intervention training to the Highwire community, with a particular emphasis on those in the Baltimore area. This will be June 21st.

Learn more and signup here!

The Virtuous Cycle of our Anti-Racism Accounting Fund

We are excited to be able to continue investing in this sort of ongoing education for the community - it works because we allocate specific funds, and specific donation pathways exclusively for anti-racism work.

This also helps make this important training accessible - to that end, we're offering both trainings as pay what you wish programs, and any excess money will be applied back to our anti-racism accounting fund, 50% of which will be immediately applied back as a direct donation to Hollaback, who offers generous rates for non-profits like Highwire Improv!

About Hollaback!

Hollaback! is a global, people-powered movement to end harassment — in all its forms. We believe that we all deserve to be who we are, wherever we are.

We believe we all have a role to play in disrupting harassment and building a culture where it is no longer seen as “just the price you have to pay” for being a woman, LGBTQ+, a person of color, or any other marginalized identity. We teach people to take action, and to reach across their own identities to ally with others and establish a united front against harassment each time we witness it.

Learn more at: