Highwire Improv on Your Baltimore Podcast Airwaves!


The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are those of the author and don’t necessarily reflect those of Highwire Improv. We hope you enjoy reading!

April 8, 2024
Hey folks!  Barry Wright here with a dispatch from the podcast studio! Over the past few weeks I've had a chance to talk the good word of improv on two very different, but equally awesome podcasts! First, we talked about how improv can enhance your company and your career on JT White's Build for Better podcast!  Some key concepts:
  • People do improv for a wide variety of reasons, from needing something to do to make friends, to working to combat workaholism, to learning how to get comfortable speaking in front of a team.
  • Improv skills overlap deeply with product and management skills, including listening, empathy, clear communication, and framing.
  • You can start with just a single improv workshop and apply microskills to your day to day work - like taking a silent pause before responding to a teammate in a meeting.
  • Every second counts (listen to me gush about The Bear in the rapid fire portion).
Then, we had a conversation on improv, leadership, and community with Rob Lee's The Truth in this Art podcast!  Some key takeaways
  • Improv is the world's most accessible art form - anyone can do it, and it doesn't cost a lot to produce - so why don't all cities have a dozen improv theaters?
  • Baltimore improv has the opportunity to build a really long-lasting community for the arts and improv, if we can push against the boundaries and constraints that actually matter.
  • We / us (part of the improv mindset) is more fun than I or me.
  • If you get three improv leaders in a room, there will be a lot of wisdom shared, but even more bits and funny stories :)
Check out the episodes, and let us know what you'd like to hear us do a deep dive improv podcast about!