Highwire Improv

Highwire Improv Improviser

Bela Evans

Bela Evans first began improvising in the mid-1990s, and has enjoyed studying and performing improv ever since. Bela has taken the full series of classes offered at Bay Area Theatresports (BATS), Made Up Theatre, and Impromptu Shakespeare (online), as well as studying with teachers such as Diane Rachel, Carol Hazenfield, Colleen Doyle, Tim Orr, Stephen Kearin, Jules Munns, and Kenn Adams. In the past, Bela has performed in groups at BATS, Made Up Theatre, and Pear Theatre. Before the pandemic, he played with local indie troupes Charmers Market, All That Jazz, The Internet: Live, and the Come Up; and he was cast in several shows at Un-Scripted Theater Company, including the Intimacy Issues, Super Scene, Adventure Quest, Oregon Trials, and Remote Control Freak shows.
During the pandemic, Bela has performed online with various groups: