Highwire Improv

Highwire Improv Improviser

Hilary Fabre

I have loved theater since I performed as Alice in Alice in Wonderland in elementary school. “Curiouser and curiouser”. I received a certificate in Acting from New Theater, Boston. I also studied with Shakespeare and Company.After that I peformed with a number of local theaters: African Repertory Troupe, Charlestown Working Theater, Hysterical Productions, New Theater, Roxbury Repertory Troupe, My favorite role was Miss Maudy in To Kill A Mockingbird. I then became interested in improv and studied at Improv Boston. I joined a troupe of older improvisors called Elderberry Jam as it was aparent that a venue for senior improvisors was needed. I joined Vintage Improv and from there became part of our beloved troupe Get A Room, an all female troupe for older woman. I am also part of the Vintage Improv House Team: The Upside Down Players.coached by the inimitable Adam Cawle. I am grateful for my improv community where I continue to learn and grow.
