Highwire Improv

Highwire Improv Improviser

Rosalind (Lindy) Rhodes

I’m Lindy, I spent my entire childhood being the “hilarious” center of attention as an only child of two nerdy scientist parents. Then, in 2019, I took my first Improv class at the DC Improv to learn how to be funny with a team. I took a brief hiatus from improv during the pandemic but started streaming on Twitch (@LindyBopIt) as a way to continue to get my sillies out. As soon as I was allowed to lick people in public again I took classes at WIT and BIG. Now I get my sillies out with the lovely folks on Mouth Stuff! Recently, I have taken up drying clementines as a way to preserve them before they mold – now I add dried fruit garnishes to every drink, pretty classy.
