Highwire Improv

Highwire Greenhouse

The Highwire Greenhouse will support the development of new projects that go beyond a standard improv team. The Greenhouse will aid creators from developing the idea to building their cast, culminating with a live Highwire performance.

This program is designed for special thematic shows. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • formats inspired by existing film and TV projects
  • tabletop role-playing games
  • universal premises such as game shows, newscasts and the dating scene.

The Hideout Theatre in Austin, Texas, recently had an improvised spy thriller and will soon launch an event inspired by the TV hit The Bear. Many theaters have Shakespeare-themed productions. The possibilities are endless. We want ideas that will inspire other producers and performers to develop their own idea.

Highwire will support up to three coached practices using a facilitator(s) who has completed Highwire’s instructor training program. We will cover the cost for one facilitator per practice using space arranged by Highwire. Your idea will debut on the Highwire stage with a performance of up to 60 minutes.

We will consider all submissions not selected for Season 18, but have limited dates available due to the holidays. We will encourage everyone to refine their ideas and submit for Season 19 Greenhouse.

Submissions for the Season 19 Highwire Greenhouse are now CLOSED.

A committee will choose submissions for Greenhouse support . Members of the committee will meet with the producer(s) to help develop the idea and support auditions and practices. We encourage open auditions, but the final casting will be up to you.

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